The Art of Science - Mastering Storytelling & Visual Communication

My Workshops equip Scientists with the communication skills & tools required to unleash the impact of their Research.

Effective communication is key to elevating the reach and understanding of scientific research – and ultimately the attention scientists and their work receive both in the scientific community and in the general public. My workshops are designed to empower scientists from basic research institutes and biomedical companies with the tools they need to communicate their work effectively .

With a focus on practical skills, including the use of Photoshop and generative AI for creating scientific visuals, attendees will depart with the knowledge and confidence to transform their research findings into artistic masterpieces that capture the essence of their work and ignite the curiosity of their audience – Setting them at the forefront of innovative science communication.

Visual Literacy for Life Scientists - The Science Design Masterclass

Graphic Design
Principles for Scientists

A practical guide for Life Scientists to all principles behind successful graphic design. This course is about how colors & shapes work together, and what it takes to create beautiful & informative scientific posters and presentation slides. Learn how to make your science get the visual attention it deserves! 

The versatility of
Adobe Photoshop

This Course explores the versatility of Photoshop for illustrating beautiful scientific concepts. It covers all basics as well as tipps & tricks required to craft unique figures, digital collages, and cover designs – Featuring exclusive step-by-step guides using examples of my Art for journal covers and watercolor figures.

How to record
a science sketch

Videos are one of the best ways to tell a story. Papers with video-abstracts perform better on social media, and are cited more (Zong et al., 2019). This course covers the basics of story-boarding, video recording, and post-processing – Everything you need to produce a sciencesketch of your research.

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for Science Communication

Everyday AI tools
for Scientists

Generative AI is transforming the way we work in record time and is already an invaluable assistant for academic writing, literature review, and generating new hypotheses. This course covers the basics of ChatGPT and other AI tools useful for Life Scientists and how to implement them to boost your productivity.

Scientific Storytelling
Using ChatGPT


How to tell the story of your Research in a way that resonates with the human mind? This course covers key elements of narrative structure and templates to create engaging & inspiring scientific stories – and how to turn ChatGPT in your very personal assistant for  scientific communication.

Visual Generative AI
for Science Art

AI-based Image creation is a game-changing tool for generating captivating visuals. With the right instructions DallE, Midjourney & co produce unique artwork for presentations, posters and journal covers This course covers the art of AI-image generation and the psychology behind images that work.